Registration > Registration information


DEB2023 events will be available for you to attend under 3 formats:

  • School + Symposium
  • School only
  • Symposium only

Each package comes with included meals and, for the school participants, accomodation. Below are listed prices and what is included in each of the packages:

School Only ($1,750.00) : participation to the 8-day practical course on DEB theory (4-13 June 2023).
Includes course material, registration fees, accommodation on LSU campus (10 nights), breakfast, lunch and dinner during the course (9), coffee breaks (16), excursion day (1).

School + Symposium ($2,100.00) : participation to the 8-day practical course and the 3-day conference on DEB theory (4-16 June 2023).
Includes course material, registration fees, accommodation on LSU campus (13 nights), breakfast, lunch and dinner during the course (9), coffee breaks (16), excursion day (1). Also includes conference material, registration fees, symposium lunch (3), coffee breaks (6), poster reception dinner (1), and gala dinner (1).

Symposium Only ($500.00) : participation to the 3-day conference on DEB theory (14-16 June 2023).
Includes conference material, registration fees, symposium lunch (3), poster reception dinner (1), and gala dinner (1).

Registrations are now open, click here to fill out the registration form.

Below you will find a visual summary of what is included in each of the three packages:

General Schedule2

Important dates:

Note that registration is not required to submit an abstract, but please do not forget to register after your submission has been accepted. The deadline to submit an abstract is March 15th has been extended to April 15th.

The deadline to register for the Symposium is April 30th.

The deadline to register for the School (or School+Symposium) is April 15th.

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