Symposium > Abstract submission

Abstract submission and registration to the conference are separate processes. You will need to register for the Symposium here, afterwhich you will be able to submit your abstract. Please find more information here below regarding how to register and how to submit your abstract.

We look very much forwards to interacting with you in Louisiana this up-coming June.

Oral communications:

Abstract for oral communication must be submitted within one of the Symposium sessions:

Session 1: Populations and ecosystems

Session 2: Theoretical and methodological developments and new applications

Session 3: Effects of anthropogenic and environmental stressors

Session 4: Traits, evolution, and biodiversity

The sessions are further described here.

Poster communications:

No session attribution is needed for a poster communication abstract.

Submitting an abstract (oral or poster communication)

Abstract Submissions are now closed

The deadline to submit an abstract is March 15, 2023 April 15, 2023. Two submissions maximum per presenter for oral presentations (can be co-author to more and to as many posters as wanted).

  • Abstracts size is limited to 250 words.
  • 3 to 6 keywords are required.
  • Along with your abstract please submit an illustration, either a picture or a drawing related to your field of research (a nice picture or drawing of your “pet”, of the field or any other nice illustration of your research). By submitting your picture you accept it to be included in the book of abstracts.

Once your abstract and illustration are ready, submit it through the following procedure :

  1. If you don't already have one, create an account on the website (click on Login > Create account on the top-right of the page). (If you attended DEB2019 or DEB2021 events you should have an account already.)
  2. Activate your account (you will receive an email for this step, check your trashbox!)
  3. Login and the MYSPACE menu will be accessible on the right of the menubar.
  4. Go to MYSPACE>My submissions to submit your abstract.
  5. Submit your abstract in step 1 and authorship in step 2.
  6. Submit your illustration in step 3.

Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee and presenters will be notified by email upon acceptance.

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